Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Setting Goals the SMART Way.

Today on Key to Success I would like to touch on setting goals the SMART way.

When you set personal goals what criteria to you use to set them? Most people just set their goals without giving them a second thought but is this really the best way to go about things? When you use the SMART principle you get the most out of your goals...

S = Specific and Stretching

The more specific your target is the more focused you become. A clear picture of what you are after makes it easier to plan for. When you stretch yourself you are forced to learn and grow. Your future success depends on it.

M = Measurable and Motivating

Progress is measurable by having a good plan. As each step of the plan is executed it is great to see some measurable achievement. The overall goal should give you motivation. If not, you need to re-assess your goals or for that matter, your work.

A = Achievable and Agreed

When goals are thrust on you without you having a say it can be very demotivating. Goals should always be achievable. If you are delegating always get agreement before a goal is set.

R = Realistic

Unrealistic work loads or schedules can make things worse than they are. Procrastination often results when objectives appear impossible.

T = Time Constraints (has a deadline)

Open ended goals are no good for anyone. Always put a time limit on the goal but ensure the previous criteria are adhered to. Remember this, we tend to overestimate what we can achieve in the short term but underestimate what can be achieved in the long term.

It is really important to include goal setting in your life. Its not so much the goal but what you become on the journey to achieving them!


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