Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Taking Action

Today on Key to Success I would like to talk about taking Action.

A while back I heard the statement "Affirmations without action is the beginning of delusion." The truth in this statement is simple yet profound. So much teaching today focuses on the spiritual part of manifestation and leaves out the necessity of taking action. Think about it, we wouldn't have been given personal power as humans if we were not meant to exercise it. You see, taking action is faith in motion. By taking action towards something you are showing faith in the outcome. When you do this, you set in motion a greater force that will bring you the things you need at the right time. There is an old expression that makes this very clear and it goes like this "Synchronicity is God's way of remaining anonymous."

Affirmations do have their place and are a great tool to motivate us but it is through taking action we see the results!

When we take action we must question whether or not it is the right action. Is it helping us reach our goals or moving us further away? If we eat that extra desert, is it going to help us lose that 30 pounds or not? It is easy to become distracted by something or someone else, so keep focused on your targets and always question your motives. The key to success here is to take the right action at the right time! Throughout the day do what you can, do the best you can and go that extra mile. Take sufficient rest but don't let the weeds grow under your feet. Repetitive action with continuous refinement leads to excellence.

When you do more than you are paid for, with a higher quality than expected, you build value in yourself and become more valueable to the market place. Understand this and you will have grasped a fundamental key to success.


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