Lifes purpose
There's no greater key to success than discovering your true lifes purpose. You become filled with passion and excitement. Nothing or no-one can stop your progress. You have finally connected your heart with a greater cause and found something worthy to live for. The ultimate key to success has been found. Does this describe you? Not to worry, it's the same for the majority of people. It's unfortunate that most people allow their intellect to rule their heart. The mind is a great tool for planning, sorting out problems and gathering knowledge but should not be allowed to run the show. When all is said and done the mind is a wonderful slave but alas a terrible master!
When we dream something big the mind steps in and tells us it's not possible. When we are admiring something beautiful our mind steps in and interrupts the moment. When we talk to other people we can find ourselves thinking of something else. There are endless situations where the mind takes control. The sad thing is, we are hardly ever aware that it is happening. We talk ourselves out of our biggest lifes purpose with ease and then we wonder why success will never be ours.
When our daily actions and thoughts are incongruent with our lifes purpose we lose energy and vitality. There is a sort of hidden pain when we march to the beat of someone elses drum. It starts in the mind and shows up in the physical. The word disease (dis-ease) is a perfect description. We are not at ease with what we are doing and we pay the price on a physical level.
What should you do about it? Start listening to what the heart is saying; learn to master the mind. If you know your lifes purpose then work on it and try to bring it into your life on a daily basis. Don't make up excuses why you can't do something. "You don't have to get it right, you just have to get it going." There would be no successful people if everyone were afraid to make mistakes. Successful people fail far more than most people simply because they "have a go" more often. They are not lucky, they just create the conditions for good things to come their way. It's simple math. If I try 100 new ideas out this year and you only try 2, who do you think is more likely to make it - even if 90% of my ideas fail! People will do more do avoid pain than gain pleasure. This is the very reason we are held back from realising our dreams. We become scared to fail and therefore never even have a go. When we have a life purpose that we truly believe in we connect with a limitless energy source. We become so full of energy we feel unstoppable. It is this very energy that is required to overcome our inertia and attempt new things. The more we make these strengthening decisions the harder it is to make weakening decisions.
Bring purpose into your life. If you find yourself without any direction or anything you can truly believe in then use personal development as your life purpose. Teach others what you have learnt and experienced. Make a living from it. As sure as night follows day there will come a point of realisation and then you will know without doubt what your true destiny is. You see, as we reach higher states of being through continued personal growth we attain a greater capacity to discern what we truly require and therefore attract into our lives. There is a great book called Wishcraft
by Barbara Sher about helping you discover what you really desire. It just maybe your key to success.
When we dream something big the mind steps in and tells us it's not possible. When we are admiring something beautiful our mind steps in and interrupts the moment. When we talk to other people we can find ourselves thinking of something else. There are endless situations where the mind takes control. The sad thing is, we are hardly ever aware that it is happening. We talk ourselves out of our biggest lifes purpose with ease and then we wonder why success will never be ours.
When our daily actions and thoughts are incongruent with our lifes purpose we lose energy and vitality. There is a sort of hidden pain when we march to the beat of someone elses drum. It starts in the mind and shows up in the physical. The word disease (dis-ease) is a perfect description. We are not at ease with what we are doing and we pay the price on a physical level.
What should you do about it? Start listening to what the heart is saying; learn to master the mind. If you know your lifes purpose then work on it and try to bring it into your life on a daily basis. Don't make up excuses why you can't do something. "You don't have to get it right, you just have to get it going." There would be no successful people if everyone were afraid to make mistakes. Successful people fail far more than most people simply because they "have a go" more often. They are not lucky, they just create the conditions for good things to come their way. It's simple math. If I try 100 new ideas out this year and you only try 2, who do you think is more likely to make it - even if 90% of my ideas fail! People will do more do avoid pain than gain pleasure. This is the very reason we are held back from realising our dreams. We become scared to fail and therefore never even have a go. When we have a life purpose that we truly believe in we connect with a limitless energy source. We become so full of energy we feel unstoppable. It is this very energy that is required to overcome our inertia and attempt new things. The more we make these strengthening decisions the harder it is to make weakening decisions.
Bring purpose into your life. If you find yourself without any direction or anything you can truly believe in then use personal development as your life purpose. Teach others what you have learnt and experienced. Make a living from it. As sure as night follows day there will come a point of realisation and then you will know without doubt what your true destiny is. You see, as we reach higher states of being through continued personal growth we attain a greater capacity to discern what we truly require and therefore attract into our lives. There is a great book called Wishcraft
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