Thursday, June 01, 2006

Getting Results through setting personal goals

The key to success principle today is about getting results through setting personal goals.

At the end of the day it is results that count! You can work hard all day but if there are no results to show for it then what has been the point. Without a clear vision of our goal how can we map the steps required to get there? Likewise, if the goal is clearly stated but we don't bother to plan the journey we are certain to lose our way. The key to measuring our progress has to be in the planning! How often do you start the day with a 101 things to do and end up feeling as though nothing has been achieved? The truth is that we often spend a lot of our time doing things that aren't important to achieving our personal goals.

When we have a clear vision of our goal we can create a plan to get there. Military strategists use a great method of backward planning to map out the course of their military campaigns. It is a very simple process but a good key to success. First, start out with a clear target in mind and then ask yourself what the last step would be just before you reach your target. Write the step down and then repeat the process for each step as though it were the target until you end up where you are now. Working backwards like this is a great way of planning your personal goals. Of course, the steps you need to take won't always be clear and it often takes the completion of one step to understand precisely what needs to be done to complete the next. This fine tuning as it were is an ongoing process and can be adjusted from day to day. The point is though, at least now we have a plan by which we can measure our results.

Before each new day starts we can now determine what we need to achieve. We can draw up an "at least" list of the most important things we need to do and concentrate on only those things that are relevant to our targets.

Of course, the key to success is to ensure we follow these guidelines on a daily basis. Every day, you should try and achieve something that moves you towards your target. This way you will never lose sight and distractions will have a harder time trying to drive a wedge between you and your personal goals.

Get down to some serious personal goal setting (more on this later) and develop a plan of action. Watch as your results go through the roof!


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